Sugarcane Food Containers | Buy Sugarcane Fibre Bowls, Plates & Clams Online

Sugarcane Food Containers

What are Sugarcane Food Containers?

Sugarcane food containers are the eco-friendly and equally reliable alternative to plastic food containers or Styrofoam containers. These biodegradable and all-natural containers are created using dry sugarcane pulp or sugarcane bagasse. Here at Disposable King, we carry a wide range of sugarcane food containers, from bowls and oval plates to clamshell containers. Whether you need small-sized bowls or large sized clamshells with three-compartments, we have them. Browse through our selections of compostable, biodegradable containers now.

Benefits of Sugarcane Food Containers

There are solid reasons why sugarcane food containers are a better choice than others. First of all, it utilizes the dry pulp or bagasse of sugarcane instead of relying on other materials such as paper or potentially-toxic plastic. Second, they are compostable and biodegradable within as short as 60 or 90 days. Third, just like any durable containers, sugar cane bowls and plates are durable, reliable, oil-proof, and leak-proof! Plus, there are sugar cane container varieties which are completely safe for microwave use (up to warm settings).

Get Your Sugarcane Food Containers from Disposable King

Because Disposable King understands your need for durable, elegant, and eco-friendly serving plates and takeaway containers, we offer sugarcane food containers in a variety of types and sizes. These are great for many occasions, functions, and events. Source the food packaging and containers you need for catering, restaurants, and food stalls through our sugar cane products. Check out our sugarcane food container selections at Disposable King today!

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